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Bacoban® Purify disinfectant for airplanes, trains and buses

Surfaces in local and long-distance public transport have to be kept clean particularly persistently. Due to their constant use by countless people, it is almost impossible to keep up with the daily cleaning and thorough disinfection for a germ-free environment on the way to work, to school or during leisure time transportation. Railways and buses in particular suffer from this problem. In public transport, many people from the most varied of regions meet in a confined space, a festival for bacteria and viruses of all kinds. It is impossible to guarantee constant disinfection, not only for reasons of time, but also due to a lack of staff and many other reasons.



Disinfectants for aircraft

Depending on the size of the transporting aircraft, up to 850 people gather in airplanes, several times a day all over the world. Every day, over 200,000 aircraft worldwide bring their passengers and cargo from one airport to the next. Bacteria, viruses and all pathogens fly with them and the lack of air flow allows the bacteria excellent chances of survival. So there is no need to ask in order to know that thorough and constant disinfection of the entire aircraft is inevitable here. Disinfection should be carried out in compliance with the applicable regulations and guidelines. Especially in times of the corona pandemic, it is important that objects where people come together in narrow spaces comply with the specified standards. It is crucial that the disinfection measures comply with the legal requirements and recommendations of the health authorities.

Disinfectants for railways

In Germany there are around 40,000 train journeys every day, plus countless underground and S-Bahn journeys, which, despite their frequent traffic, often offer little space for the many workers, school children, commuters and leisure tourists. From minute to minute, countless people sit, touch, and grab the same surface, picking up and releasing hundreds of bacteria and viruses, be it by simply touching the handrail, coughing or sneezing. The time and cost that would have to be operated and granted to guarantee a germ-free environment through the daily disinfection of all surfaces of the interior is therefore inexpressible and almost unthinkable to meet even in Corona times.

Disinfectants for buses and coaches

Very often, the failure of the air conditioning system means that buses are unable to provide the necessary air passage to support the killing of germs. This makes the bus trip a real ordeal, especially in the summer days. Also due to their limited interior space, they often offer far too little space for passengers and so hundreds of hands hold on to the door, handlebars, seats and window glass in order to find support. In contrast to local buses, a group of people meet in coaches and then spend several hours together in the same means of transport. Here, too, the accumulation of countless bacteria, viruses and pathogens is inevitable and daily disinfection is a must to ensure a hygienically clean and carefree journey.

What should you watch out for and which surfaces have to be disinfected?

Adequate ventilation must be ensured at all times in public spaces. Dirty surfaces should be cleaned with a disposable cloth before thorough disinfection. When disinfecting, it is always important to pay attention to the recommended exposure times. Disinfectants can contain viruses and bacteria, so correct and prescribed use is essential.

With regard to the surface, in addition to the obvious cleaning of the seats, handle bars and armrests, it is also important to include every little corner of the interior, so as not to give bacteria, viruses and pathogens a chance under any circumstances.

Why is Bacoban® Purify the better choice?

Conventional disinfectants kill the microorganisms that have formed, but neglect the most important thing: protection against repopulation and within a very short time. A problem that we encounter again and again, especially in local public transport, due to its continuous use!

Bacoban® Purify closes this hygiene gap and takes an innovative approach. It differs significantly from other conventional disinfectants and enables active infection control over a period of up to 10 days. However, it is important to note that the actual effectiveness depends on the application conditions and that regular disinfection measures are still required. Bacoban® Purify has an antimicrobial and virus-inactivating effect that can last up to 10 days and is therefore particularly suitable for cleaning frequently used means of transport such as airplanes, buses and trains. Please note that cleaning and disinfection should be carried out regularly in accordance with the applicable standards to ensure comprehensive hygiene.