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Disinfect shoes: Proper disinfection and prevention

The disinfection of shoes plays an essential role in personal hygiene and health care. Especially when you consider that shoes not only come into contact with dirt and dust, but also with a variety of bacteria and viruses. Regular and thorough disinfection can therefore help to prevent athlete’s foot and nail fungus and eliminate unpleasant odors at the same time. However, comprehensive prevention also includes good foot hygiene and wearing breathable shoes. In this article, we will present tips and methods on how to disinfect shoes correctly to prevent pathogens and prolong the life of your shoes .

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Why is it important to disinfect shoes regularly?

Killing germs and bacteria

Regular disinfection of shoes is essential to reduce the accumulation of bacteria and viruses that collect on the soles of shoes throughout the day. Shoes come into contact with numerous surfaces every day and can therefore contribute to the transmission of pathogens. Killing these germs through careful cleaning and subsequent disinfection helps to minimize the risk of infection. This is particularly important with used shoes or after visiting public places such as gyms, where there is a higher risk of cross-contamination.

Prevention of athlete’s foot and nail infections

Athlete’s foot and nail fungus are among the most common infections caused by inadequate shoe care and a lack of disinfection. Regular disinfection of shoes is an effective way to curb the growth and spread of such fungi. The use of specific disinfectants that are adapted to shoe materials can help to kill fungal spores and prevent future infections.

The removal of unpleasant odors and soiling through disinfection

Unpleasant odors in shoes are often an indication of excessive bacterial or fungal growth. Regular disinfection of shoes can not only kill pathogens, but also prevent the development of bad odors. A basic cleaning, in which dirt and deposits are removed, followed by targeted disinfection, can help to keep shoes fresh and odor-free.

How can I disinfect my shoes?

Use shoe disinfectant spray

Using shoe disinfectant spray is a quick and effective way to disinfect shoes. There are special sprays that are suitable for various shoe materials, including leather and textiles. These sprays are not only easy to use, but also provide effective protection against bacteria and viruses. When spraying, care should be taken to ensure that both the inside and outside of the shoes are treated to ensure comprehensive disinfection.

For areas where shoe disinfection is part of the daily routine, our refill bottle and the PedSpend dispenser with spray lance are suitable for easy use.

Our recommendation: Pedexan® long-term disinfection

The Pedexan shoe disinfectant offers an effective solution here. Simply spray into the shoes and the powerful formula reliably eliminates bacteria and fungi that are responsible for unpleasant odors. However, the effectiveness depends on the correct application.

Thanks to the long-term effect, the formation of new microorganisms is also prevented so that your shoes stay fresh for longer. The pleasant Alaska fragrance provides additional freshness and neutralizes bad odours.

The special thing about Pedexan: It is biocompatible and therefore particularly gentle on your shoes and your skin. So you can look forward to pleasantly fresh shoes without having to worry about harmful effects.

Use disinfectant wipes for cleaning

Disinfectant wipes offer a practical alternative to sprays, especially for quick cleaning between uses. They are ideal for wiping the outside of shoes to remove dirt and germs. Disinfectant wipes also make it easier to clean hard-to-reach areas inside the shoe. It is important to choose wipes that are effective against both bacteria and viruses to ensure comprehensive protection.

Pedexan® & PedSpend®

Professional long-term shoe disinfection

Long-term hygiene for feet and shoes.
Protect yourself from pathogens and fungi!

When should I disinfect my shoes?

After wearing for athlete’s foot or nail fungus

If you suffer from athlete’s foot or nail fungus, it is essential to disinfect your shoes after every wear. This prevents the fungal spores from settling in the shoe and causing a new infection when worn later. Consistent disinfection after each use can therefore make a significant contribution to supporting the healing process and preventing reinfection. It is also advisable to avoid wearing the same shoes for two days in a row to give them enough time to dry out and ventilate.

In the event of unpleasant odors or visible soiling

Unpleasant odors in shoes are a clear sign that it is time for disinfection. Shoes that are used intensively, such as sports shoes, everyday shoes or even work shoes, should be checked regularly for odors and dirt and treated accordingly. A disinfection can not only kill existing microorganisms, but also inhibit future growth. Thorough cleaning also helps to remove dirt and deposits, which can also contribute to bad odors.

Which household remedies are suitable for disinfecting shoes?

Home remedies are suitable for temporarily eliminating odors. However, the neutralized effect usually does not last long, and there is no reliable protection against fungi, bacteria and viruses. For this reason, you should opt for professional shoe disinfection in the event of infectious problems.

Baking soda as a natural odor killer

Baking soda is an excellent way to remove unpleasant odors from shoes. It not only acts as an odour neutralizer, but also absorbs moisture, which is often responsible for the formation of bacteria and fungi. A simple method is to sprinkle some baking soda directly into the shoes and leave it to work overnight. The next day, simply shake out the baking soda and the shoes should smell noticeably fresher. For a stronger effect, a paste can be made from baking soda and water and applied to the inside of the shoes.

Vinegar for disinfecting and cleaning shoes

Vinegar is another effective household remedy for disinfecting shoes, but should be used carefully and tested on an inconspicuous area first to avoid damaging the material. Thanks to its antibacterial properties it can be used effectively against a wide range of microorganisms. A solution of equal parts water and vinegar is ideal for wiping the inside insides and outer sides of shoes. This method is particularly recommended for heavy soiling or for removing salt residues in winter.

After treatment with the vinegar solution, the shoes should be left to dry thoroughly in the air or in a well-ventilated area. To minimize the smell of vinegar, a few drops of a pleasant essential oil can be added to the solution. Vinegar is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly and gentle on the materials of the shoes, making it an ideal product for regular shoe care.

Tea tree oil against bacteria and fungi in shoes

Tea tree oil is known for its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, which make it an excellent disinfectant for shoes. A few drops of tea tree oil diluted with water in a spray bottle make an effective spray to combat bacteria, fungi and unpleasant odors. When spraying, care should be taken to spray the entire inside of the shoe and the soles thoroughly in order to achieve a comprehensive effect.

The spray should be left on for a few hours so that the tea tree oil can develop its full effect. It is then important to allow the shoes to dry completely before wearing them again. Tea tree oil has the advantage that it not only disinfects, but also leaves behind a fresh fragrance that pleasantly refreshes the shoes. However, it is advisable to test on an invisible area before application to ensure that the oil does not leave stains or damage the material.

Insider tip: waterproof your shoes for extra protection!

For the best possible protection of your shoes, you should waterproof them. The impregnation protects the shoe against moisture, dirt and other stains so that they do not stick in the first place or can be easily removed with water. The advantage of waterproofing is that the shoe is protected but remains breathable at the same time.

Frequently asked questions about disinfecting shoes

What are effective methods for disinfecting my shoes?

There are various ways to properly disinfect shoes, including the use of disinfectant spray, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or home remedies.

How often should you disinfect your shoes?

It is recommended that you disinfect your shoes regularly, especially if you wear them frequently or suffer from athlete’s foot.

What is the best way to disinfect my shoes after wearing them?

After wearing the shoes, you should allow them to dry well, ideally with good air circulation, and then treat them with disinfectant spray.

How can I prevent viruses and bacteria from accumulating in my shoes?

To prevent pathogens from multiplying, you should clean your shoes thoroughly after wearing them, allow them to dry well and disinfect them if necessary.

How long can pathogens remain in shoes?

Depending on the environment and level of moisture, pathogens can remain in shoes for a long time, so regular disinfection and cleaning is important.

When should you dispose of your shoes instead of disinfecting them?

If shoes are heavily infested with fungi or other unwanted pathogens and the problem is not resolved even after disinfection, you should dispose of the shoes to prevent further spread.